Thursday, December 31, 2009
Elly Lynn Mckeever
Monday morning I got up at 6 to pee and noticed that the baby had dropped and seemed lower then ever, I got up for the day about 7:30 along with the rest of the family. I had to pee constantly and started to have small painless contractions about every 6 minutes. At first they were only from the crotch to the top of my bladder and progressively grow up my belly. It was closer to 10:30 when they started to encompass the entire belly and were true contractions. I called the hospital to see when I should come in. I really didn't know since nothing was the way it felt when I was in labor with Dempsey. I also had tested positive for Group B strep so they wanted to put me on an IV antibiotic, which needed to be done at least 4 hours before delivery and they like to do 2 doses. So we sent Dempsey off to Grandpa Mckeevers and got ready to head to the hospital. We arrived at 11:30 and the labor seemed to slow which was discouraging. At about 2:30 things started back up, contractions went for 10 minutes to 7 then 6, 5 and 4. Close to 4 o'clock I decided I had better try to use the rest room one last time. After having a big contraction in the bathroom I decided that the low counter top was a great place to labor so I stayed. I was starting to get the urge to push, which I was constantly told to not do! At 5 minutes to 4 my water broke, gushing like a water fall all over the floor, go thing I was in the bathroom;). After 2 or 3 more contractions the nurse had me come out so she should check babies heart rate, which was good. She also asked if I could try and labor int he room on the edge of the bed instead of the counter, OK. It was then I said I needed to push, was told NO but my body pushed any way, she was coming fast. They had me get on the bed, which was really hard to do. I can remember saying "I need the poop" and Heather responding with" No Holly that's the baby" As soon and I was on the bed she started to crow, with the next 2 pushes her head was out, the next contraction/2-3 pushes came the rest of her. She was born at 4:16 in the afternoon. My Nurse Midwife never made it for the birth, neither did Jessica. And Aaron and Heather just stood back and watched, never had to do anything, it went so fast.
Some funny or interesting things I remember about the labor... During my first allowed push, the crowning push I hollered out to Heather to get the camera. The I have to poop thing is really funny to me. Heather said that they had to hit the code button for a Dr. and she could hear the Dr. running down the hall to make it in time. The ring of fire is just that. I never felt it with Demps, I had been novocained for the episeodamy. and my first reaction to Elly was that she looked just like Dempsey.
It took over 4 hours to decide on a name, but it was well worth it. She is doing great. My milk has come in and she's a little piggy. A perfect little angle.
sorry no pictures yet, I haven't downloaded the camera, will soon.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Still Pregnant
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Days gone bye
Thursday, November 19, 2009
all most done
Thursday, October 29, 2009
pumpkin time
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Getting ready for baby
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fun night with kids
Rub-a-dub-dub 3 blondies in a tub
First we made some snow angles and Dempsey discovered that he liked how the snow tasted. Eating a few handfuls. Mommy decided that we had better male a snow man since the snow was perfect for packing, and is sure was. In no time at all I had a snow man made. I ran inside and got a hat and carrot, grabbed two sicks from the garden and two rocks from the landscape and wal-la a snow man. We then ventured to the back-yard. Dempsey wanted to swing and go down his slide so we did. After playing for about 20 minutes I happened to look in the front yard, just because and notice the lack of a snow man. He some how managed to tip himself over and crumble to the ground. OH WELL. I'm sure he wont be the only snow man of the season. Dempsey loved the snow, just like mommy and didn't want to come inside. I can't wait for more snow and the kind that sticks around for months.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Dempsey is talking more and more every day. Running and being a mad man more and more. He has been trying to peddle his tractor and trike but still isn't getting it, which is frustrates him.
For those who are interested; the craft sale went OK. I sold 12 dolls and plan on doing a craft fair in Balsam Lake at the school to try and sell the rest of the dolls. Yeah that wasn't for me!
sorry no pictures, and thats about it.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Gladis is the first one, then the doll I gave Gabby and the one I gave Payton.
Monday, September 7, 2009
last few weeks
My garden is doing great and we have harvested lots of veggies.
We went camping for Labor day and Demps and I went to my cousins wedding. it was lots of fun and we didn't get much sleep.
Aaron had his 2 foot ball drafts.
And we started to move the bedrooms around. Our bedroom will now be the kids room and the two bedrooms down stairs will be our bedroom and closet; one for the bed and one for the dressers.
the house has been a disaster and I've been to tired to care.
I am now 23 weeks along in my pregnancy, and getting huge. Grandma just said to me to day, "are you having twins, or why are you getting so fat?" I corrected her with the term "pregnant". So I must be really huge!!
That's about it...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Well after some scanning around it looks pretty good that we are having a baby GIRL. No turtle this time. Everything looks good, the ultra sound tex said her measurements put her at 21 weeks and 4 days, making her due date December 25th; Christmas day. God I hope not!! I'd rather go late and make it New Years, so if you see me at christmas time with my legs crossed tight, it's because I'm holding her in.
Since there never seems to be any secrets about babies anymore, we have decided to keep the name a secret, although we still haven't reached a decisions for the name.
Here are some ultra sound pictures.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
little update
Dempsey slipped on some water and hurt his leg/foot/ankle last Thursday and Mommy had to carry him for almost 4 days till it was feeling better. He still is walking with a limp but at least he's walking.
I have my ultra sound in the morning; 8am:) We'll get to find out what the babies sex is, then I have my regular appointment. I'll post the big news along with the ultra sound pictures as soon as I can. Can't Wait!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
nothing exciting...oh maybe a little
And today Dempsey and I went to the lake to go swimming and enjoy the heat. The water was great, Demps was doing a wonderful time swimming. Julie, Mike and Grandma were out too. Julie took Gramdma, Demps and I for a boat ride around all 3 lakes, it was hot. Then we swam some more before going home. I had an incident that I would have never imagined to happen... Demps and I had been swimming about 20 minutes, Demps started jumping in the water from the dock, we were scrunched down in that water about elbow deep and as I was jumping up out of the water, something was on my finder and sliding off. A FISH! It had my entire middle finger in it's mouth and as it fell of its teeth drug all the way off my finger. We got out of the water fast in case it was something other than a fish. I looked around and didn't see any thing. later in the day Julie and I were poking around and found my fish. Here it was a large bass, only a few feet from where I was bit. We aren't sure but we think the fish could be sitting on a nest. Who know, all I do know is that it was a big fish and it scared the crap out of me. Julie can voge for me that it was a big fish and most likely the one that bit me. We tried to catch it with no success, it swam off. I'll never forget the surprise of a fish on my finger.
I took a picture of my finger but it's hard to see the damage.

the 2 circled spots are deeper scrapes and if you look closely you might see teeth marks all the way to the tip or the finger