Miss Elly Lynn Mckeever finally arrived Monday after noon.
Monday morning I got up at 6 to pee and noticed that the baby had dropped and seemed lower then ever, I got up for the day about 7:30 along with the rest of the family. I had to pee constantly and started to have small painless contractions about every 6 minutes. At first they were only from the crotch to the top of my bladder and progressively grow up my belly. It was closer to 10:30 when they started to encompass the entire belly and were true contractions. I called the hospital to see when I should come in. I really didn't know since nothing was the way it felt when I was in labor with Dempsey. I also had tested positive for Group B strep so they wanted to put me on an IV antibiotic, which needed to be done at least 4 hours before delivery and they like to do 2 doses. So we sent Dempsey off to Grandpa Mckeevers and got ready to head to the hospital. We arrived at 11:30 and the labor seemed to slow which was discouraging. At about 2:30 things started back up, contractions went for 10 minutes to 7 then 6, 5 and 4. Close to 4 o'clock I decided I had better try to use the rest room one last time. After having a big contraction in the bathroom I decided that the low counter top was a great place to labor so I stayed. I was starting to get the urge to push, which I was constantly told to not do! At 5 minutes to 4 my water broke, gushing like a water fall all over the floor, go thing I was in the bathroom;). After 2 or 3 more contractions the nurse had me come out so she should check babies heart rate, which was good. She also asked if I could try and labor int he room on the edge of the bed instead of the counter, OK. It was then I said I needed to push, was told NO but my body pushed any way, she was coming fast. They had me get on the bed, which was really hard to do. I can remember saying "I need the poop" and Heather responding with" No Holly that's the baby" As soon and I was on the bed she started to crow, with the next 2 pushes her head was out, the next contraction/2-3 pushes came the rest of her. She was born at 4:16 in the afternoon. My Nurse Midwife never made it for the birth, neither did Jessica. And Aaron and Heather just stood back and watched, never had to do anything, it went so fast.
Some funny or interesting things I remember about the labor... During my first allowed push, the crowning push I hollered out to Heather to get the camera. The I have to poop thing is really funny to me. Heather said that they had to hit the code button for a Dr. and she could hear the Dr. running down the hall to make it in time. The ring of fire is just that. I never felt it with Demps, I had been novocained for the episeodamy. and my first reaction to Elly was that she looked just like Dempsey.
It took over 4 hours to decide on a name, but it was well worth it. She is doing great. My milk has come in and she's a little piggy. A perfect little angle.
sorry no pictures yet, I haven't downloaded the camera, will soon.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Well my due date is Dec. 26th so I guess I can't complain to much but it would sure be nice to not be pregnant. I would love for the baby to wait till after Christmas now, I think I'm nuts for thinking that but I just don't want my baby to have to share her birthday with Christmas. My midwife hasn't check me to see if I'm dilated, which is ok by me. The last thing I need is false hope. I got a maternity shot done at Kiddie Kandits last Wednesday but haven't gotten to scanning the picture is so heres a shot Aaron took as well a Dempsey latest belly shot.

And we still haven't decided on a name. We are trying to come up with something that is family related, so if you have any great ideas let me know. Or if you have any impute on the ones we have give me an option, I'd post them but we haven't shared them with our parents, we'd like to try to keep it a surprise.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Still Pregnant
Well I am 38 weeks pregnant to my count, today. My midwife has my due date set at Dec. 26th. I can't wait for this baby to get here. I feel like crap most days, my back is killing me after 4 o'clock every evening, and my carpal tunnel hasn't gotten any better. My midwife hasn't check me for any dilatation or other stuff, which is fine. I think if I knew something was happening it would make me even more antsy. I haven't taken any new picture lately but plan on getting one soon. I think I'm about 5 lbs lighter then I was with Dempsey, I definitely look thinner in the face and other places. I guess all in all the pregnancy has gone well, just not as painless and energy filled as my pregnancy with Dempsey.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Days gone bye
Well Hunting season has come and gone. Aaron didn't get a deer this year. Thanksgiving has too come and gone. We went to my Aunt Jennifer's; the Waidelich side; we ate a lot, enjoyed the company and played a few games of Pictionary.
Nothing is new, I'm still pregnant. I have 4-6 weeks left and I sure hope it goes by fast. I'm sorry I have nothing for my blog but I do have a few new pictures. Hope you all enjoy them.
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